- The Riffle
- Pages
- What is this?

What kind of a name is Riffle? Is it Rifle? As in smoking gun?
Err, actually that’s a great alternative name by the way. But no, it’s called Riffle - as in riffling through many pages, turning them over, having a quick look.
AHA. So you don’t go into detail - a casual look at things.
I wouldn’t put it that way. More like giving you a gist of info, rather than a pile that no one cares to read.
Nice. And why are we having a convo again? Isn’t this serious stuff?
Of course! Compliance and AML are mighty serious, and this is why we came out with the Riffle. To give you a channel to ACTUALLY read stuff that matters, rather than…for lack of a better word - riffle through it.
And yes, a bit of bionic reading thrown in. You know, the bold bits that actually matter and make you read faster?
Yeah ok. Quite the techie guy you are. But thanks!
Riffle it!
Let’s just say that it’s easier to read more when you can riffle through summations, rather than 20 pages of the actual stuff. You can choose to deep dive into what interests you though, so a win-win.
So, Riffle away!